;Rel. Wicca-Northern Hemisphere ;There are four Major High Days (Samhain, Oimelc, Beltane and Lughnasadh in one set of Irish-based modern spellings) ;and four Minor High Days (Winter Solstice or "Midwinter," Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice or "Midsummer," and Fall Equinox) in the Neopagan Druid year ;most of which are also celebrated by Wiccans and other Neopagans ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 COMMENT=Updated May 28, 2012 \nAll Wiccan Holy Days start at 18:00 the evening prior to the day listed \nNorthern Hemisphere 31.10. =Wicca, sunset: Samhain, Wiccan New Year ;English=All Hallow's Eve 01.11. =Wicca, daylight period: Samhain, Wiccan New Year ;English=All Hallow 21.12. =±Wicca, Yule (±1day) ;English=Winter Solstice 31.1. =Wicca, sunset: Imbolc Eve ;English=Feast of the Waxing Light 01.2. =Wicca, daylight period: Imbolc ;English=Feast of the Waxing Light 21.3. =±Wicca, Ostara (±1day) ;English=Spring Equinox 30.4. =Wicca, sunset: Beltane ;Note=Celebrate the beauty & fertility of the earth ;English=May Eve 01.5. =Wicca, daylight period: Beltane ;Note=Celebrate the beauty & fertility of the earth ;English=May Day 28.2.+113Dy =±Wicca, Litha (±1day) ;English=Summer Solstice, June 21 (20 June on leap years) {d-06-21} 31.7. =Wicca, sunset: Lammas Eve (Lughnassad) 01.8. =Wicca, daylight period: Lammas (Lughnassad) 22.9. =±Wicca, Mabon (±1day) ;English=Fall Equinox ;These entries were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://www.neopagan.net/NeoDruidismCalendar.html ;http://www.holidayorigins.com/html/religious_holidays.html#Wiccan ;http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Cafe/1614/Celtwicc/Wicca/Wicca04.htm ;http://www.puertasdebabel.com/wicca/beliefs/wheel2.htm